한미 FTA 협정문 (영문)
Free Trade Agreement between the
and the United States of
Draft as of
subject to legal review for accuracy, clarity, and consistency
Annex 2-A: National Treatment and Import and Export Restrictions
Appendix 2-B-1 Korea Tariff Rate Quota
Appendix 2-B-1 US Tariff Rate Quota
Annex 3-A: Agricultural Safeguard Measures
Annex 4-A: Specific Rules of Origin for Textile and Apparel Goods
Annex 4-B: Fibers, Yarns, and Fabrics Not Available in Commercial Quantities
Appendix 4-B-1: Fibers, Yarns, and Fabrics Not Available in Commercial Quantities
Confirmation letter (Fibers, Yarns, and Fabrics Not Available in Commercial Quantities)
Confirmation letter (Independent Review Process)
Annex 6-A: Specific Rules of Origin
Appendix 6-A-1: Correlation Table for Footwear
Annex 6-B: Exceptions to Article 6.6
Annex 9-A: Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade
Annex 9-B: Automotive Working Group
Confirmation letter (Specific Autos Regulatory Issues)
Annex 11-A: Customary International Law
Annex 11-B: Expropriation
Annex 11-C: Service of Documents on a Party under Section B
Annex 11-D: Possibility of a Bilateral Appellate Mechanism
Annex 11-E: Submission of a Claim to Arbitration
Annex 11-F: Taxation and Expropriation
Annex 11-G: Transfers
Confirmation letter (Property Rights)
Annex 12-A: Professional Services
Appendix 12-A-1: Sectors for Mutual Recognition and Temporary Licensing
Annex 12-B: Express Delivery Services
Annex 12-C: Consultations Regarding Non-Conforming Measures Maintained by a Regional Level of Government
Confirmation letter (Understandings of both sides)
Confirmation letter (Gambling)
Confirmation letter (Express Delivery Services – International Delivery)
Confirmation letter (Express Delivery Services – Domestic Reform)
Confirmation letter (PIT test)
Annex 13-A: Cross-Border Trade
Annex 13-B: Specific Commitments
Annex 13-C: Financial Services Committee
Annex 13-D: Supply of Insurance by the Postal Services to the Public
Confirmation letter (Cross-border Trade, New Financial Services etc.)
Annex 14-A
Annex 14-B
Confirmation Letter (Access to And Use of the Internet)
Annex 17-A: Government Procurement Annex
Confirmation letter (Internet Service Provider)
Confirmation letter (Online Piracy Prevention)
Annex 19-A: Labor Cooperation Mechanism
Confirmation letter (Public Communication)
Confirmation letter (Public Participation)
Confirmation letter (Equivalence in Environmental Laws)
Confirmation letter (Publication)
Annex 22-A: Inflation Adjustment Formula for Monetary Assessment
Annex 22-B: Alternative Procedures for Disputes Concerning Automotive Products
Annex 22-C: Committee on Outward Processing Zones on the
Annex 22-D: Joint Fisheries Committee
Annex I (Non-conforming measures for services and investment)
Korea (explanatory notes included)
United States (explnatory notes included)
Appendix I-A: Illustrative list of US regional non-conforming measures
Annex II (Non-conforming measures for services and investment)
Appendix II-A
Appendix II-A
Annex III (Non-conforming measures for financial services)
Appendix III-A